League Information
Attention please. All Leagues will be $14 for 2023-2024

* Sunday:          5:30 PM   Mixed  

* Monday:         6:30 PM   Womans 

* Tuesday:        1:00 PM   Seniors   (Year round)   

* Wednesday:    9:30 AM   Womans    6:30 PM Mixed  

* Thursday:       1:00 PM   Seniors   (Year round)       4:00 PM Special Needs     
                       7:00 PM Mixed  

* Friday:           6:00 PM   Mens   

  ATTENTION: Most of our fall leagues start just after labor day.

Want to join  league?
Come in or call on that night to talk to an individual league president.

Email: Collinsbowladrome@gmail.com
Collins Bowladrome
325 Boston Road. Billerica, MA 01862
Where Duckpin Bowling Lives on!!

The Wednesday Night summer league
They start bowling at 6:30 PM